For Children 3-5 years old (potty trained)

Your Learner's Club child will need:

➔ a healthy lunch🥪 in a lunch bag labeled with their name,

➔ a (packed separately) healthy snack🍎labeled with their name.

➔ to have their outdoor gear, including coat, snow pants (if snow is on the ground) mittens (if cold), etc...🧤🧣🧥🧦 during winter months.


➔ If your child is currently enrolled in our morning 3K/4K class, your teacher/assistant will escort them to Learner’s Club on Tuesdays.

➔ If you are not currently enrolled in our preschool and are joining us just for Learner’s Club, drop off is from 11:30 am. Park in the North parking lot and walk your child in through the Early Childhood Entrance and bring your child to room 1079.

➔ We start by going outside☀️ right away!

➔ For all Learner’s Club children: Dismissal 🚗 is at 3:00 pm. Please park in the North Parking Lot and use the Early Childhood entrance. A line will form outside of classroom 1079. At 3:00 pm, the teacher will dismiss the children.

Classes held at Hales Corners Lutheran.
12300 W Janesville Road
Hales Corners, WI 53130

Contact earlychildhood@hcl.org with any questions.🥳👩🏼‍🏫🎉

Upcoming Learner’s Club Topics

March 2025

Mondays: Pirates
Tuesdays: Fairy Tales

April 2025

Mondays: Camping
Tuesdays: Gardening

May 2025

Mondays: Spanish
Tuesdays: Let’s Paint!