In 3K through 5th grade, our students are taught in a self-contained classroom with some specials. Our students in 6th through 8th grade are taught in a departmentalized classroom setting. Students study the core academic subjects; English, Writing, Math, Science, History, Literature, and Foreign Language in the 7th and 8th grade. Their education is enriched through additional classes in art, music, and physical education. All of our classes are wrapped around our daily religious studies to grow in their journey and our Lord and Savior. Technology is woven throughout the curriculum.
Hales Corners Lutheran School (HCLS) has a rich heritage and long standing commitment to academic excellence that is rooted in the Christ-centered mission that flows from the Lutheran Confessions. The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) is a tool that provides additional guidelines upon which the rigorous programs of study for our students are designed. The rigor is not the product of the CCSS standards alone; rather, is connected with the instructional process provided by our HCLS educators.
Instructions for Parents/Guardians
Please read the following policies and consequences carefully. Also remember that you are legally responsible for your student’s actions.
Students should understand that as they use the Internet they must “... take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5b)
In a number of classes we are introducing students to electronic mail and other global information resources, including the Internet. Our schools have developed a policy to enhance your student’s education through the use of the Internet. We believe that it is imperative to teach our children about making Christian choices so they will be better suited to make the same type of value judgements as adults.
Precautions HCLS has taken to restrict access to inappropriate sites
Web content filtering software is installed on the student network. This software blocks objectionable material and monitors which websites are accessed by students. While very effective, it is not capable of blocking all such material all the time.
Access to the Internet is only allowed under direct teacher or staff supervision.
Students are always told which websites they may go to during the lesson. They are never left to browse the Internet without any instruction.
Computer Lab Policy
In order for all students and staff to benefit from the network and lab, those who use it must do so in ways that give honor to our God and show concern for the needs of others. To that end, users of the Hales Corners Lutheran Family of Schools network and lab are expected to abide by the following rules.
(Please note that all the rules will be covered with your student at the beginning of the school year.)
Computer and Network Use
Students will treat equipment carefully so no damage is done.
The network and lab will be used for educational purposes only. No use for personal financial benefit or entertainment purposes is allowed.
Internet and E-mail
When on the Internet, students will go only to those sites the teacher authorizes.
Students will use the school issued email appropriately.
Students are not to use inappropriate language, harrassment, discriminatory remarks or other harmful behavior while communicating with others on the network or the Internet.
Students are not allowed to create unofficial Hales Corners Lutheran Family of Schools websites or defame the school, other students or staff in any online environment.
Students are not allowed to create, maintain, or access personal web pages, blogs or personal email at school.
Students will act in accordance of copyright laws.
Students will respect the rights and privacy of other authorized users and themselves on the network by not giving out personal information or passwords.
Bring Your Own Device Policy
Students may bring their own devices to school and use our filtered wireless network. Students may only use the devices at the teachers discretion and are responsible for the device and content they access on the device. The device must be labeled with the student's name.
Hales Corners Lutheran School is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen devices.
Consequences For Not Respecting the Rules may include:
Students will lose a letter grade for each infraction during lab time.
Losing the privilege of using the computers and/or the Internet.
Call home to parents
Restitutions for damages
Incident Reports
Warning of suspension
Suspension from school
Criminal acts will be referred to the proper government authority
Hales Corners Lutheran Schools Internet Safety Policy
It is the policy of Hales Corners Lutheran School to: (a) prevent School network access to or transmission of inappropriate material via the Internet, electronic mail, or other forms of direct electronic communications; (b) prevent unauthorized access and other unlawful online activity; (c) prevent unauthorized online disclosure, use, or dissemination of student personal information; (d) provide Internet safety education to students and (e) comply with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA).
Hales Corners Lutheran School takes reasonable measures to ensure that students do not access material and content that is potentially harmful to minors. As required by CIPA, Hales Corners Lutheran School utilizes a technology protection measure (“filter”) that blocks access to material that is potentially harmful to minors. The filtering technology blocks Internet content and visual depictions including, but not limited to: pornography, child pornography, sexual acts or conduct, and other obscene material that may be deemed harmful to minors.
School administrators, supervisors, or other authorized staff may disable technology protection measures for legitimate educational purposes, bona fide research or other lawful purposes. Hales Corners Lutheran School may override the technology protection measure for a student to access a site with legitimate educational value that is wrongly blocked by the technology protection measure.
The Hales Corners Lutheran School staff monitor student use of the Internet, through either direct supervision, or by monitoring Internet use history, to ensure that network services are used within the context of the School’s instructional program, educational goals, and to enforce the Internet Safety Policy. Additionally, the School takes reasonable precautions to prevent unauthorized access (“hacking”) to electronic student records and information. These precautions include, but are not limited to: network firewalls, confidential passwords, data encryption, electronic monitoring and physical data security.
Hales Corners Lutheran School provides instruction to minors on the topics of Internet Safety and appropriate online behavior. Internet Safety education topics include, but are not limited to: online behavior and ethics, social networking safety, chat room safety, cyberbullying awareness and response and other online privacy and security issues.
The Hales Corners Lutheran School network and computing systems are for educational use only. The School makes no assurances of any kind, whether expressed or implied, regarding any Internet, network, or electronic communication services. Even with the above provisions, Hales Corners Lutheran School cannot guarantee that a student or staff member will not gain access to objectionable or inappropriate Internet material -
Hales Corners Lutheran Schools Enrichment Plan
Implemented 2009-10
Created from the Gifted and Talented Resource Guide for Educators, Coordinators, and Administrators in Wisconsin Public School which is endorsed by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and the Wisconsin Association of Talented and Gifted
Target Areas
Intellectual and Academic
4th and 5th Grades
Student Identification
In August the enrichment coordinators, Debby Farrar and Karen Herz, will review the Wisconsin Test of Knowledge and Concepts, the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills, and the Cognitive Ability tests to identify those students scoring in the 97th percentile and above or have an ability score comparable to 130 IQ.
Teachers should complete the Checklist of Characteristics for Areas of Giftedness for the purpose of initially discussing the potential of any student.
Administer the SAGES (Student Assessment of Gifted Elementary Students) to further assess the aptitude and achievement of selected students.
Examiner’s Manual……………………………….. $72.00
4-8 Math/Science Books (10)……………………….21.00
4-8 Lang. Arts/Soc. Stud. Books (10)……………….21.00
4-8 Reasoning Books(10)…..………………………..21.00
4-8 Profile/Scoring Sheets (50)……………………...36.50Program Design
Ability group for math with the same teacher looping with the enrichment group.
Language arts enrichment activities are to be provided by the classroom teachers.
Provide planning time for the development of the gifted curriculum.
Provide training for coordinators and staff members through in-service training and seminars.
Enrichment coordinators are to develop resources for staff members that may include a Traveling Resource Tool Kit, online resources, technology, and resource persons. (Currently reviewing Learning A-Z online resource.) Staff should put ideas on the internet for others to use, share ideas during department meetings, and plan time for curriculum mapping.
The implementation and success of the program is not solely dependent upon enrichment coordinators. Classroom teachers need to take ownership.
There should be no pull-out program.
Hales Corners Lutheran School Handwriting Curriculum
Implemented June 2013
Diana Bartholomew, Margaret Hammer, Gloria Lawrence,
Cindy Lemerande, Lois Lindeman, Denise Meyer
PHILOSOPHYHales Corners Lutheran School believes that handwriting is important to the total education of all of our students. All students are expected to use their God given ability to reach the high expectations of penmanship expected in our curriculum. The teachers believe that manuscript writing should be introduced at the kindergarten level with competency demonstrated by the middle of second grade. Our school will introduce cursive writing to the students in the second semester of second grade. Our students will demonstrate competency by the end of third grade. The student who hasn’t mastered the skills introduced by the target time will receive individual consideration. The students in the fourth grade will review cursive letter formation. Students in fifth through eighth will use the basic skills of cursive writing at the discretion of the teacher.
Keyboarding and word processing skills will be introduced and utilized at the appropriate grade levels throughout the curriculum. This is meant to work in conjunction with handwritten work.EXPECTATIONS
Hales Corners Lutheran School believes in the importance of neatness and legibility of a person’s cursive and manuscript writing. The emphasis on these skills will be integrated into all areas of the curriculum. A standard form for all written assignments in fourth through eighth grades is attached. The standard for kindergarten through third grade is that the paper must be identified with the student’s name.
The students in kindergarten through third grade will receive an appropriate handwriting/neatness mark as an indication of their progress on their assessment report. A grade will not be given for students in fourth through eighth grade in handwriting. Good paper presentation is expected for all written assignments including workbook assignments. The teachers will communicate unacceptable paper presentation to the student.
Hales Corners Lutheran School will use the publisher, Zaner Bloser, to guide the direction of the handwriting curriculum. The Scope and Sequence will follow the Zaner Bloser curriculum. The teachers will use the workbooks provided by Zaner Bloser through second grade. Third and fourth grade teachers will utilize the teacher resource material from Zaner Bloser for introduction of cursive and for review as necessary.
Implemented June 2013HEADING
The heading will be in the upper right hand corner starting on the first line of the paper. The heading includes the following:
Fringe is unacceptable for any homework assignment to be turned in.
Black and blue ink is acceptable for all papers except math. Use of other colors is at the discretion of the teacher. Math papers are done in pencil throughout all the grades.
Paper should be 8 ½ by 11, wide or college ruled.
Teachers will take into consideration that students have developed a personal style of penmanship in the fourth through eighth grade. The handwriting of the students should follow the basic format of the method that the student has learned and must be neat and legible. The teacher will decide what form of printed communication (manuscript, cursive or word processor) the student will use.
Hales Corners Lutheran Schools Health Curriculum
October 2010
Wellness Policy on Physical Activity and Nutrition
At Hales Corners Lutheran Elementary and Middle School, the teachers believe that teaching health is imperative to God's commands. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 states "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, who you have received from God? You are not your own, you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." The traits of a healthy lifestyle have to be taught throughout our school's entire curriculum as well as displayed by those that God has placed in a role of leadership in a classroom, school, or family.
As a school we also realize that health has many components. Being healthy is taking a proactive approach that includes care for oneself spiritually, mentally and physically. These three components of health cover a wide variety of curriculum areas. Religion, science, social studies, and physical education are most applicable to the teaching of health. As a result teachers need to capture the teachable moment whenever possible in their classrooms and integrate health into their classroom discussions, lesson plans, and objectives regardless of the subject area when possible.
Not only should health be integrated into a student's school day informally, but we feel as a faculty it also needs to be an intentional act. As a school, we have decided to implement health intentionally into our school week as follows. In grades Kindergarten through 2nd grade the students will receive 30 minutes of health instructional time per week. In grade 3rd through 8th grade the students will receive 40 minutes of health per week. By combining both forms of health education (integration/intentional) our schools adequately meet the state standards for students in health education.
As a school we believe that sex education needs to be taught at home and at school. As a school we intend to support parents in this facet of parenting in numerous ways. For our 2nd grade families, the school will make available to the parents an age appropriate sex education book. By doing so, we encourage parents to discuss this topic with their child and be prepared to answer questions.
In grades 4,6 and 8 we will take a student centered approach to teaching Sex Education. The classroom teacher with guidance of school administration will work through this material. The material will be presented and taught to the students in a same gender classroom. The Sex Education curriculum will be taught during the month of May at the Elementary School and in February at the Middle School. Parents will be notified prior to the curriculum being covered so they may, upon request, preview the materials with the teacher and be better prepared as parents for questions that might arise at home. The teachers will address questions asked in class by students in age appropriate fashion.
The materials used for Sex Education at Hales Corners Lutheran Elementary and Middle School are as follows. Grade 2 is "Why Boys & Girls Are Different". Grade 4 is a Hales Corners Lutheran written curriculum presented in Power Point fashion following the themes of "Where do Babies come from". Grade 6 is the "How You Are Changing" DVD following the theme of the book "How You Are Changing". Grade 8 is based on the book "Sex & the New You". The materials used in grades 2, 6, and 8 are created by Concordia Publishing with a 2008 copyright date.
In 3rd-8th grade the students will continue to use a theme based health curriculum. The curriculum will be based on the Current Health 1 magazine designed for grades 3-5, and Choices for grades 6th-8th. Both of these magazines are published by Scholastic and provide the teachers with a yearly scope and sequence that integrates peer mediation, conflict resolution, dietary / nutritional care, as well as a strong anti drug / bullying message.
In Grade 5 the students will also participate in the DARE Program as part of the curriculum. The classroom teacher will be resposible for the implementation of this 16-week program.
Hales Corners Lutheran Schools Language Arts Curriculum
June 2010
Diana Bartholomew, Angie Mathe, Brenda Granley, Mary Naber, Karen Herz, Vicki Mertz, Ann Jobst, Gloria Lawrence, Albert Amling, Judy Lillquist, Nancy Mason, Jenny Zirbel, Chad Kogutkiewicz
Language Arts Philosophy
Effective communication, the essence of language arts, is basic to learning, to everyday life, and to sharing the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. Just as Jesus spoke in many ways to people, listened to cares and concerns, read God’s Word in the synagogue, and inspired others to write His message, students need speaking, listening, reading and writing skills to be witnesses of their faith and to function well in society.
Goal: Students will read and respond to a wide range of printed materials to build an understanding of written materials, of themselves, of others, and of their faith.
Reading is a complex, interactive process that continues to be a primary means of acquiring and using information. Reading enables individuals to find enjoyment, information and insight, inspiration, and the grace of God through words in print. Children must know and use various strategies---ways of unlocking the meaning of words and larger blocks of text---to become successful readers.
The curriculum should include instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, comprehension, critical analysis, graphic resources/texts, vocabulary, and fluency. Students should be challenged to read a wide variety of materials, including the Bible, fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama and other written works that reveal the richness and diversity of our heritage, afford opportunities to acquire new information, refine perspectives, respond to the needs and demands of society and the workplace, and provide personal enjoyment.Writing/Grammar
Goal: Students will write clearly and effectively to help them learn to read, share information and knowledge, to influence and persuade, to create and entertain.
Written communication skills are central to learning. Whether in academic life, in the workplace, or in personal life, communication skills offer a powerful advantage in a world in which people must constantly learn new information. To become confident and effective writers, students need to learn how to write for various purposes and audiences. They need to try different approaches and to reconsider what they have written through revision and editing. To ensure that their writing is understood and well-received, students need a working knowledge of language as well as grammatical structures, diction and usage, punctuation, spelling, layout and presentation. This knowledge is also invaluable for discussing, critiquing, revising, and editing written communication in almost any form. At Hales Corners Lutheran, we believe that grammar is most effectively taught in context. We will emphasize process writing across our curriculum.Spelling
Goal: Given the strength of the relationship between reading, writing, word study, and spelling, spelling should be taught as an integrated part of the literacy program.
Spelling should be taught in a systematic and explicit manner in grades K-5, with allowances for invented spelling in the early grades and progression to conventional spelling in daily and published work. The sixth through eighth grade will integrate spelling in language arts in a systematic and explicit manner giving priority to spelling in all curriculum areas.Oral Language
Goal: Students will listen to, understand, and will speak clearly and effectively for diverse purposes. The spoken word, essential to our individual and social development, remains a central means of communication.
Students should be able to orally communicate information, opinions, and ideas effectively to different audiences for a variety of purposes. Students should be able to listen to and comprehend oral communications and be given the opportunity to participate effectively in discussion.Media and Technology
Goal: Students will use media and technology critically and creatively to obtain, organize, prepare and share information, to influence, to persuade, to entertain, and to be entertained.
Students should be able to use computers to acquire, organize, analyze, and communicate information. Students should be taught to make informed judgments about media and products. Opportunities should be given to create multi-media products appropriate to audience and purpose.Research and Inquiry
Goal: Students will locate, use, and communicate information from a variety of print and non-print materials.
Research gives students opportunities to pose interesting and important questions, use multiple sources to identify and locate information, analyze and organize facts and concepts, arrive at conclusions or new understandings, and communicate their discoveries in ways that suit their purpose and audience.Scope and Sequence
The scope and sequence we utilize is based on the publisher that we have selected. For our reading component, in JK4 through grade 3, we will utilize the Houghton Mifflin 2008 series. In grades 4 & 5 we will use Houghton Mifflin 2001 series. In 6th through 8th grade will utilize the McDougal Littell 2008 Wisconsin series. For our grammar and writing component, Kindergarten through third grade will use Houghton Mifflin 2008 Literature for scope and sequence. The fourth and fifth grade will in addition to the Houghton Mifflin 2001 literature series, use Houghton Mifflin grammar books. The sixth through eighth grade will use the 2006 Houghton Mifflin grammar series.
The evaluation of our Language Arts curriculums will be through formal and informal assessments. These include but are not limited to: observations, listening, written, oral, and verbal assessments.
Hales Corners Lutheran Elementary and Middle School Music Curriculum
April 2008
Hales Corners Lutheran Elementary and Middle Schools believe that music is a special gift from God and important to be taught to all of our students. All students are expected to use their God given abilities to achieve the high standards of music performance and knowledge set out in our curriculum. Our teachers believe that general music should begin with our youngest students at age 3 and continue on through the eighth grade. Further, we believe it is important to be instructed by quality music teachers who specialize in specific areas of music study. We believe that this variety of music offerings provides for a broad knowledge of music reaching all students at every level of musical ability.
Hales Corners Lutheran Elementary and Middle Schools believe in the importance of music for worship (for our own worship and in leading others), as well as, the importance of a general knowledge of music to provide students with a connection to the world around them. Students will be expected to participate in worship through music in a variety of ways including, but not limited to: Christmas Services, weekly Chapel services and other outreach opportunities. Students will also be expected to experience a broad spectrum of music from around the world and in many languages.
Students at Hales Corners Lutheran Elementary and Middle Schools are assessed in their music learning through participation in class discussion and activities including movement, creating and improvising, singing, playing, listening to, and reading / writing music. Students are also assessed in their participation in leading worship at Christmas and other various times throughout the school year.
Instructional Materials
Hales Corners Lutheran Elementary and Middle Schools will use the Share the Music text, published by MacMillan/McGraw-Hill. The Scope and Sequence will follow the Share the Music curriculum. Other materials for instruction will include John Jacobson’s Music Express Magazine, for grades K-5, and also Music Alive Magazine for grades 6-8. Both magazines provide six issues a school year. Additional materials including music for worship services and other musical events will be selected on an as-needed basis by the music specialist.
Hales Corners Lutheran Elementary and Middle Schools offer piano lessons during the school day. Piano lessons are taught by Mrs. Kim Propp, Mrs. Janet Gallo, and Mrs. Tami Samorajski. All three teachers have taught privately, and some continue to do so. They do, however, find the school setting a wonderful way to offer the students many different opportunities to play and perform. The teachers work very closely with each other throughout the year and plan all events together for their students. They all believe music is a universal language and that playing an instrument is as important as learning to read and write. It develops coordination, increases concentration levels, builds confidence, and teaches discipline. They are passionate about making music fun and enjoyable for every student and believe that learning to play an instrument brings life-long enjoyment. All returning students will continue with the same teacher, and beginning students will be placed according to what best fits the teachers’ and students’ schedules.
Hales Corners Lutheran Schools Math Curriculum
May 30, 2012
The faculty of Hales Corners Lutheran School believes that God has created an orderly, systematic universe in which mathematics is a universal language that facilitates the ability to appreciate the created order God has given us and further advances the understanding of our modern, high-tech world. The development of strong mathematics abilities prepares students for lives of responsible Christian service to His church and the community. We believe that mathematics, taught from a Christian perspective, will better empower our students to understand how to live a successful and God-pleasing life within our world.The students of Hales Corners Lutheran School will:
learn to communicate mathematically
become confident in computation ability
learn to reason mathematically
become mathematical problem solvers using real-life application
learn to value mathematics
At Hales Corners Lutheran School, we strive to meet or exceed the Core Standards in Mathematics as set forth by the Department of Public Instruction in the state of Wisconsin and our National Lutheran School Accreditation (NLSA) goals and standards.
To best meet the needs of our students in developing proficiency or above in mathematics and problem-solving application, a combination of teaching techniques is imperative to the instruction of our students such as small group work, class discussion, use of manipulatives, presentations, individual study, and technology integration. In addition, students in third through eighth grade have the opportunity to work within different groups designed to meet needed skills.
It is our intent for the teachers in preschool through eighth grade to utilize the mapping of our math curriculum to align objectives. Teachers will utilize the resources provided by the publisher, available technology, as well as outside sources to teach the math curriculum.The teachers in our three and four year old classrooms will follow our published outcomes utilizing manipulatives and a variety of resources. The textbook publisher chosen for Hales Corners Lutheran School for kindergarten through third grade is Saxon (2012). The fourth through eighth grade will use Math Connects (2009) from Glencoe/McGraw Hill with the PreAlgebra and Algebra classes also using Glencoe/McGraw-Hill (2012).
Hales Corners Lutheran Schools Physical Education
April 2007
Mary Naber, Doug Mertz, Eva Fronk, Albert Amling
Through Physical Education, students will appreciate their body as a marvelous gift from God, understand their responsibility to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle, and develop fundamental physical, social, and fitness-related skills by participating in individual and cooperative activities.
Hales Corners Lutheran Schools has incorporated the work of SALSA (Sheboygan Area Lutheran School Association) and made it applicable to our “Family of Schools”. We thank them for the work and expertise shared with our school.
The SALSA Lutheran Schools “Curriculum Framework for Physical Education" is intended to serve as a resource for your school and for you in planning a well-rounded curriculum in the PE domain. It reflects a collaborative effort of the Lutheran Schools in the SALSA communities of east-central Wisconsin. In this curriculum writing effort, the National PE Standards and the Wisconsin State Standards have been compilated with Integrating the Faith to provide a Christ-centered approach to the teaching of subject matter. These standards will serve as the framework around which the committee has built the curriculum and will integrate the faith. Bullet configurations identify the source of the learner outcome.National Standards
State of Wisconsin Standards (Grades 4, & 8 must be at mastery level by these grades)
Integrating the Faith
The SALSA Lutheran Schools “Curriculum Framework for Physical Education” is designed as a tool that will follow the same format for all grades JK-8. Each grade level will heed to the same standards and objectives, and it will be up to each individual building to design an implementation process that fits their needs and program.
The SALSA Lutheran Schools “Curriculum Framework for Physical Education” is offered to the glory of God that it may be a blessing among Lutheran school educators and their students.
In the Master Teacher’s Name,
Todd Kohlman, St. John Lutheran School, Plymouth
Sandy Kasten, Bethlehem Lutheran School, Sheboygan
Jana Landgraf, Immanuel Lutheran School, Sheboygan
Greg Kohler, St. John Lutheran School, Sherman Center
Julie Rezeburg, Lutheran High School, Sheboygan
Terry Hubbard, St. John Lutheran School, Plymouth
SALSA PE CommitteeHales Corners Lutheran Curriculum Framework for: Physical Education
Broad Goals
From a Christ-Centered Perspective, Students Will:
Create a balance between cooperative games, team activities, individual activities and physical fitness for our students
Appreciate their talents and abilities as gifts from God
Understand respective differences in individuals
Demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings
Understand how to monitor and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness for a well-rounded lifestyle
Apply concepts and principles of movement to the learning and development of physical skills
Use a variety of basic and advanced movement forms
Demonstrate competency in many forms of movement and proficiency in some
Understand that physical activity provides opportunities for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and social interaction
Utilize the Fitness Room and Community Center to enhance physical fitness in the Middle School
Learner Outcomes:
The following pages contain outcomes that we expect to be evaluated at the end of first, fifth and eighth grades. We see these as benchmarks. We realize that all grade levels, including PS3 and JK4 teach each of the outcomes in age appropriate ways.
Hales Corners Lutheran Schools Religion Curriculum
June 2013
Brenday Granley, Heather Schmidt, Diana Bartholomew, Doug Mertz, Meaghan Hessenthaler, Sue Ellingsen, Jessica Dixon, Crissy Peterson, Judy Lillquist, Albert AmlingThe teaching of God’s Word at Hales Corners Lutheran School is the reason for our existence. The opportunity to teach children within a Christian environment is a privilege and one that the teachers of Hales Corners Lutheran School deem very important. The command to assist parents and families to educate our students in God’s Word is given to us in Proverbs 22. All aspects of our academic curriculum must integrate the teaching of God’s Word. It is through God’s Word that we can influence young people and help them to grow in their relationships with God, their family, peers and the world.
Within our religion curriculum, Hales Corners teaches the Christian faith according to the doctrines of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS). The teachers do this with regular instruction of God’s Word, Bible study, the application of God’s Word to the student’s lives through the memorization of God’s Word and Luther’s Catechism, worship, daily devotions and prayer. The daily instruction for Primary School through eighth grade utilizes the “One in Christ” curriculum published by Concordia Publishing House of the LCMS.
The assessment of religion is a very difficult topic. We believe that we are assessing knowledge, not faith. In PS3-K, the students are evaluated with emerging and mastery marks. In grades 1-5, the teachers have separate marks for memory and knowledge. In grades 6-8, assessment is earned through a combined grade using memory (40%), knowledge (50%) and participation (10%).Starting in first grade the English Standard Version (ESV) Bible will be the standard for all memory curriculums. In order to better align with the One in Christ curriculum, we adopt the following plan for memory:
Memory assignment expectations:1st and 2nd grade: 1 memory passage per week (Bible verse from curriculum or Catechism)
3rd - 8th grade: 2 memory passages per week (Bible verse from curriculum or Catechism)
What HCLS students will memorize
1st - Bible verses
2nd - Lord’s Prayer, Ten Commandments, Apostle’s Creed and Bible verses
3rd - Books of the Bible, Lord’s Prayer, Ten Commandments, Apostle’s Creed and Bible verses
4th - Books of the Bible, Ten Commandments and the Close of the Commandments with meanings and Bible verses
5th - Lord’s Prayer with petitions/meanings, Ten Commandments and Close of the Commandments with meanings, Apostle’s Creed with meanings, Baptism First Questions, Words of Institution and Bible verses
6th - Books of the Bible, Baptism questions with meanings, Sacrament of the Altar with meanings and Bible verses
7th - Lord’s Prayer with petitions/meanings, Ten Commandments and Close with meanings, The Creed articles with meanings, Baptism questions with meanings, Sacrament of the Altar with meanings and Bible verses
8th - Lord’s Prayer with petitions/meanings, The Nicene Creed, Apostle’s Creed with meanings and Bible verses
Hales Corners Lutheran Schools Science Curriculum
June 2013
Jana Horn, Emily Lenz, Adrienne Scott, Vicki Mertz, Angie Mathe, Brad Zacharias, Crissy Peterson, Diana Bartholomew, Albert Amling
At Hales Corners Lutheran School, we believe that science is the study of the universe God has created for us to use, care for, and enjoy. It is the study of the natural laws He has put into existence to give the universe order. While teaching and learning science in the Christian classroom setting, we can rejoice in the words of Ps. 19:1, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands." We can find peace amid the rampant discoveries that bombard the present day believer, knowing that no matter what, God still is "sustaining all things by His powerful Word" (Heb. 1:3).
There are very natural ties between science, religion and the entire curriculum that we teach. Our teachers will use every opportunity to integrate activities and to point out these correlations. We believe that God created the world as recounted in the book of Genesis. Science will be taught from the Creationism perspective at all grade levels. Evolutionary theory and concepts will be presented so that they are able to understand, discuss and defend their beliefs intelligently in our current world-view perspective.
We believe that teaching science is more than helping students acquire factual knowledge. It is also teaching a process and skills. For that reason, a variety of instructional techniques will be used to reach our students who have different learning styles.
In preschool through second grade, science will be an integral part of the thematic units that are taught. Big books, science journals, and trade literature as well as hands-on activities and lab experiences will be used on a regular basis. Age appropriate science activities that engage students in understanding the scientific process will be integrated into the curriculum so that the students begin to associate the joy of discovery and the rewards of curiosity with basic science concepts.
A textbook, science journal, and lab approach will be used to teach scientific process, skills, and knowledge in third through eighth grade. Grades three through five will use a general science theme with designated areas of study. Grades sixth through eighth will experience a rotating curriculum of earth, life, and physical science. All grades will follow our Science Curriculum Map referring to the textbook scope and sequence as needed.
There are significant benefits for enhancing the science learning process through out-of-the-classroom activities. For this reason, efforts will be made to provide for extra "hands-on" lab opportunities, science challenges, in-house speakers, field trips, community resources and extracurricular science activities to supplement the science curriculum.Summary and Recommendations
We believe that the science curriculum must follow the philosophy and curriculum model as provided in the preceding paragraphs. This was written because it portrays what we believe is the best science curriculum for our school. To help us accomplish teaching science in the way we have declared, we have chosen the following science textbooks and publishers: FOSS: Full Option Science System in preschool through grade five and Glencoe (Earth, Life, and Physical) in grades six through eight.
Hales Corners Lutheran Schools Social Studies Curriculum
April 20, 2007
The faculty of Hales Corners Lutheran School believe that social studies is the study of geography, people, their history, and how they relate to each other and the world around them. We believe that social studies, taught from a Christian perspective, will help our students better understand how to live a successful and God pleasing life within our world. Our students are growing up in the community of Hales Corners, but also in a multicultural world. We believe it is important that when students leave Hales Corners Lutheran School, they appreciate the qualities and characteristics of the people in the world created by our Lord. Through social studies, hand in hand with God’s Word, our students are prepared to respect, interact, and empathize with all of God’s people.
At Hales Corners Lutheran School, we will strive to meet or exceed the standards set forth by the state of Wisconsin and our National Lutheran School Accreditation (NLSA) goals. Social studies is a subject fully incorporated into every aspect of the curriculum. As we integrate social topics into our religious and health instruction, we more than meet the state guidelines.
To best meet the needs of our students, a combination of teaching techniques is imperative to the instruction of our students; i.e. small group work, simulations, class discussions, presentations, individual study, field trips, and technology. Current events are taught on a consistent basis. The teachers teach to the “teachable moment” in current events; i.e. elections, wars, police actions, constitutional conflicts, etc. To better enable the teachers to do this, Scholastic News Magazines are available as requested.
It is our intent for the students in Preschool through eighth grade to follow a prescribed scope and sequence. Teachers will utilize the resources provided by the publisher as well as outside sources to teach the curriculum. The textbook publisher chosen for Hales Corners Lutheran School for Preschool through fifth grade is Houghton Mifflin. The sixth through eighth grade will use McDougall Littell. -
The Learning Resource program serves the needs of students requiring additional instruction in the areas of reading and math, as well as those students needing math enrichment. The struggles and successes of students who have attended Learning Resource classes in the past years have served as the inspiration for the implementation of new interventions which address not only the symptoms of underachievement, such as weak phonics skills, poor comprehension, and other academic difficulties, but the causes. Correcting delayed development of foundational systems of students, such as the reflex, visual, and auditory systems, can contribute to significant gains in academic achievement. In addition to reading intervention and math classes, the Learning Resource program offers developmental vision screening and training,auditory processing skills training, and a motor lab (Moving Aloft). Detailed descriptions are provided below.
According to the National Center for Health Statistics, 25% of children enter school with significant vision problems that can affect their development and progress in school. Vision is more than 20/20 eyesight. It is a complex process involving over 20 visual abilities and two thirds of all the pathways to the brain. Nearly 80% of what a child perceives, comprehends, and remembers depends on the efficiency of the visual system.
Vision is a learned skill, and deficits can be corrected. Three vision skills that often affect students' learning are eye movement, eye teaming, and focusing. Eye movement, or tracking, refers to the ability to control fine eye movements which are required to follow a line of print, jump from the end of one line to the beginning of the next line, and to follow a moving object. Students with tracking problems will often lose their place and make numerous errors such as insertions, repetitions, and omissions of words.
Eye teaming, or convergence, refers to the ability to coordinate the two eyes together so that they both point at precisely the same object, thus allowing the brain to combine the two images into a single, clear image. Students with convergence problems often suffer from eye strain, fatigue, inattentiveness, headaches, and blurred or double vision.
Focusing, or accommodation, refers to the ability to focus clearly at a fixed distance, especially up close, and to shift focus quickly and accurately from distant to near, and vice versa, repeatedly. Print will become blurry and eyes may feel fatigued for children with accommodation problems.
Students experiencing difficulties with developmental vision skills may participate in visual screening and visual training. The website www.childrensvision.comoffers additional information regarding these skills, including simulations of how some children are actually seeing the printed page. Click on Vision and Learning and then Vision and Reading.
Students with deficits in auditory processing skills have difficulty listening to or comprehending auditory information. This problem can interfere with academic achievement. Because of training received at the Minnesota Learning Resource Center, Hales Corners Lutheran Elementary School is able to implement a program to improve auditory skills. The Johansen Individualized Auditory Stimulation program provides the opportunity for a student to listen to a series of music tapes (20 minutes a day for four eight-week periods) that have been customized to the individual's hearing level and his/her deviation from the Optimal Hearing Curve. The training program helps students focus more on the higher frequencies of sounds because that is where the consonant and vowel sounds of speech are located, and less on the low frequencies (background noise, fans etc.).
It is best if the right ear is dominant in taking in auditory information so it can be processed more efficiently. The left hemisphere is where our language center is housed, so if the right ear is dominant in taking in the language information, it will go directly to the left hemisphere and be processed more quickly. If the left ear is more dominant, there is a chance the information can get lost during the crossover from the right hemisphere. The Johansen Individualized Auditory Stimulation program increases the development of right ear dominance. This enables children to process language more readily.
"Moving Aloft"--our motor lab
Many students in school today do not have the physiological and neurological readiness skills necessary to perform expected school tasks. They become increasingly frustrated and continue to struggle. Academic curriculums assume that all students have developed the muscle skills necessary to coordinate the fine muscle movements required for activities such as writing, cutting, and coloring. Academic curriculums assume students have the ability to pay attention, write letters, remember what they have learned, and use their eyes together efficiently. Traditional curriculums do not address the problems of students whose development lacks the necessary readiness skills. These skills will not be developed by simply performing or repeating academic tasks in school.
The movement activities in “Moving Aloft” are designed to help students develop the basic readiness skills and abilities they need for academic success. These activities increase the cooperation between two main sections of the brain, the cortex and the brain stem. The cortex is the area of the brain that comprehends things. Often times, students are using their cortex for the automatic functions normally found in the brain stem. This leaves little room for thinking and understanding, or processing what it is they are doing. The brain stem is where the automatic functions of the brain originate. In short, the activities in “Moving Aloft” build up muscle and brain function that students might be lacking.
The “Moving Aloft” curriculum provides organized and structured activities to address many academic issues. Following are some examples:
Balance Beams-Purpose: This activity develops balance and body awareness. Classroom Relevance: Body awareness helps children sit still and focus. Additionally, this skill leads to understanding one’s own left and right and, in turn, having the ability to read from left to right and without reversals.
Overhead Ladder-Purpose: This activity encourages eye teaming, that is, allowing eyes to work as a team to fuse together the image seen by each eye into one single image. Classroom Relevance: Students will see print as a single image, become less fatigued, and improve comprehension. In addition, eye-hand coordination in improved.
Alligator Crawl/Creep Track: Purpose: This activity, which encourages movement using the right and left sides of the body, helps form connections between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Classroom Relevance: Students will be able to process information more quickly and increase eye teaming skills.
In today’s world, our children have grown up with infant seats, car seats, walkers, play pens, and less “tummy time.” Our technological society fills our children’s lives with television, computer screens, and video games. Our children have become more passive and have not participated in the three-dimensional movement activities necessary to prepare their bodies for learning.
Does this really work? Based on twenty years of research, the Minnesota Learning Resource Center has consistently demonstrated success in improving students’ reading scores by more than one year for each year of participation in the motor lab.
Hales Corners Lutheran Elementary School is delighted to have received a grant to develop a motor lab for our students. Since it originated in the loft and provides movement opportunities to raise academic achievement to a higher level, it has been named “Moving Aloft.” Entire classrooms of students, as well as learning resource students, have the opportunity to attend.